Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Which Path to Take?

At the moment I'm in the world of the unknown. I don't know where my life is headed. If you had have asked me three months ago where I thought I was going, I would have been able to tell you. I would have told you that I was preparing my body physically, and preparing my mind. We were aiming to try for a baby in six months time. If you ask me today where I think I am headed, my answer would be a simple "I don't know".

Communication is such an important tool in a relationship, without it, there is no relationship. This must be done from both sides. After all, there is no point talking to a brick wall, right? Both sides must be open and honest, they must be able to tell each other their inner most secrets, the ones that worry them. Our fears are something we share with our friends and families, so why not share them with the one you sleep next to?

I shared. I tried to communicate. I cried. I was blunt. I said what I wanted and what I needed and explained why. I asked if I was in the wrong. I asked if there was more I could do.

I can do no more.

I am not a mother to a rainbow. I am not a wife. Currently I am not anything that I wanted to be in life.

I am no longer in the deep despair of grief that I was six months ago. I am not wishing daily that I was dead just so I could be with my angels. Now I just keep wishing they were here with me so I weren't so lonely. If they were here, I'd have meaning and be valued. Not sitting in a room alone with my thoughts.

Where the hell is this all going? Where am I going? My inspiration and zest has disappeared once again. Heartbreak is so strong is eats at everything else positive in your life until there is almost no hope left.

Do I sit here and wait for the glimmer of hope? Or do I just pave myself a whole new journey and hope it works out for the best?

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen, you are such a beautiful writer and I'm so glad you visited my blog because it led me to visit yours. :-) Reading through your posts I feel like I'm getting to know you a little better.

    You do have meaning, and you are valued. Even when you are sitting alone in a room with your thoughts. The dark moments can be so overwhelming that sometimes we need a little nudge to look toward what's good and beautiful in life. I'm so glad you are sharing your thoughts on your blog. That is a very brave thing to do. much love, xoxo
